TIFF Newsletter
November 18, 2010
23rd TIFF 2010.10.23(sat)- 10.31(sun)
"The 23rd TIFF brought the curtain down"
第23回東京国際映画祭が10月31日に閉幕し、東京 サクラ グランプリを始めとする各賞の受賞作品と受賞者が発表されました。今年は76の国と地域から、832本の作品応募があり、厳正な予備選考を経た15本をコンペティション部門で上映、国際審査員により各賞の選定が行われました。受賞作品、受賞者、ならびに動員数は以下の通りです。

The 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival brought down the curtain with Tokyo Sakura Grand Prix “Intimate Grammar” (Israel) directed by Nir Bergman on Oct. 31. This year, 832 films from 76 countries and regions were submitted to the Competition and 15 films were screened after the pre-selection. The prizes were awarded by the International Competition Jury members at the closing ceremony. The winners and the number of audience for the 23rd TIFF are mentioned below.
Thank you very much for your continuous support to TIFF.

The 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival Award Winners
(C) 2010 Tokyo International Film Festival. All Rights Reserved.